How to Temporarily Seal a Large Memorial Rock for a later second interment of ashes. A brilliant contribution from one of our satisfied customers!
We have been asked this question many times and have gladly helped our customers with tips and suggestions over the years. Then not long ago, one of our very happy customers took the time to contribute a well done step by step guide to temporarily seal a memorial rock (as opposed to the usual permanent sealing). Thank you Paul! We think it is about time we actually post it publicly online to share with everyone. It involves a trip to your local Bunnings or hardware store to get you what you need. And here they are:
You need the following:-
- Silicone (as you supplied)
- 1 x roll of 6mm Flyscreen PVC spline
- 1 x roll of 4.5mm Flyscreen PVC spline
- 1 x spline roller
- White Grease
- 1 roll of Gaffa tape (not just PVC tape)
- Clean up inside of lid seat (make sure it is dry)
- Cut a length of 6mm Flyscreen PVC spline to go around the inside of the seat so it touches back on itself
- Put a good bead of silicone around the inside of the rock where the lid sits
- Carefully place the 6mm Flyscreen PVC spline into the silicone and make sure it is pushed into the corner well
- Smooth off the silicone so it seals either side of the 6mm Flyscreen PVC spline (do not allow it to go over the top of the spline)
- Allow the silicone to skin
- Place a liberal layer of white grease over the spline and the lip of concrete on the seat
- Option to put ant sand and/or surface spray inside the rock
- Place Standard Ashes container inside the rock
- Place the lid leaving an even gap around the outside
- Start putting the 4.5mm Flyscreen PVC spline into the gap (start at opposite side to where you started the 6mm spline) and push in with spline roller and keep going around and around until the space is full and tight (be careful the lid doesn’t start to lift out). If there is a slightly wider area, place some 6mm spline to fill the gap before the last layer of 4mm spline.
- Seal over the area with a layer of Gaffa tape and allow to set over night.
- Place rock into position
We are off course just an email or a phone call away for any other questions or assistance you'd need with our Memorial Rocks and Plaques.
All the very best,
Memorial Rocks Australia Team
- Bud Manthey
Wholesale opportunity!
It's been a slow process in getting to this but we are now ready to tackle the challenge of wholesale distribution to the funeral industry. Our Memorial Rocks have opened a new great option for Australians to keep the cremated ashes of their loved ones. Years of marketing campaign through printed pages and social medias have helped spread the word and added little smiles on those who have experienced great loss.
For more information on our wholesale opportunity, please contact Bud on 0413 770 272 or email
- Bud Manthey

Bee Sting for Friday the Doglet
We were driving to Kooralbyn yesterday to do a delivery and our little girl had to pee.... so we pulled over and of course she had to get stung by a BEE . We keep going but just after Beaudesert she crawled onto my lap while I was driving and I saw she was having a reaction !! Big welts and swelling and sad eyes it was very scary . So back to Beaudesert (at a million miles an hour) and a $200.oo Vet visit. The risk of suffocating is quite real, apparently. But all turned out OK smile emoticon- Bud Manthey
Facebook has really helped people find a solution: Memorial Rocks.
I'm amazed at how a few facebook promotions have changed everything. So many people are now aware of our product and are sharing with others.Thank You for sharing. All the Best Bud.
- Bud Manthey
Is Cremation OK for Christians ? I found this interesting article.
Is cremation proper for Christians?
The Scriptures do not present any basic objection to the practice of cremation.
There are Biblical accounts relating that the bodies or bones of dead people were burned. (Josh. 7:25; 2 Chron. 34:4, 5) This may have indicated that those people did not seem to merit a decent burial. But what amounted to cremation did not always carry such a meaning.
We can see this from the account of the death of King Saul and his three sons. The four of them died battling the Philistines. One of the sons was Jonathan, the good friend and loyal supporter of David. When valiant Israelites living in Jabesh-gilead learned what had happened, they recovered the four bodies, burned them, and then buried the bones. David later praised those Israelites for their actions.—1 Sam. 31:2, 8-13; 2 Sam. 2:4-6.
The Scriptural hope for the dead is the resurrection—God’s restoration of the person to life. Whether a dead person is cremated or not, Jehovah is not limited in his ability to restore the person to life with a new body. The three faithful Hebrews who faced death in a fiery furnace as ordered by King Nebuchadnezzar did not need to fear that if they were thus destroyed, God could not resurrect them. (Dan. 3:16-18) That was also true of faithful servants of Jehovah who faced death and subsequent cremation in Nazi concentration camps. Various loyal servants of God have perished in explosions or in other ways that left no trace of their remains. Still, their resurrection is assured.—Rev. 20:13.
Jehovah does not have to reassemble a person’s former body in order to resurrect him. That is shown by God’s resurrecting anointed Christians to heavenly life. Like Jesus, who was “made alive in the spirit,” anointed Christians are resurrected as the same person but with a spiritual body. No part of their former physical body accompanies them to heaven.—1 Pet. 3:18; 1 Cor. 15:42-53; 1 John 3:2.
Our hope in the resurrection rests, not on what might be done with the physical corpse, but on faith in God’s ability and desire to fulfill his promises. (Acts 24:15) Granted, we may not fully comprehend how God has performed the miracle of resurrection on past occasions or how he will do so in the future. Still, we put our trust in Jehovah. He has provided “a guarantee” by resurrecting Jesus.—Acts 17:31; Luke 24:2, 3.
Christians do well to take into consideration social norms, local sentiments, and legal requirements regarding the disposition of dead bodies. (2 Cor. 6:3, 4) Then, whether the body of a deceased person is to be cremated or not is a personal or family decision.
- Bud Manthey
- Tags: Bible Christians cremation depression Health Memorial Memorial Rock Memorial Rocks Memorial stones mental Health
My 'Heart Attack' Scare.
I'd like to thank the Robina Hospital Emergency Centre . After trying to ignore some chest pain for 24hrs I walked in and was immediately looked after with the greatest of care. .. blood tests, chest Xray, the sticky electric things on My chest. Blood pressure… The kind reassurance of the Doctors and all the Nurses is moving me to tears as I type. The shock and fear a 52 year old feels as the thought of leaving loved ones behind is overwhelming. I didn't call my wife or family as I didn't want to alarm them… I felt very alone. This was a huge wake up call. So many things left undone. I don't smoke or drink but I'm way too heavy and unfit. This experience was, I hope a catalyst for real change. I don't want it to be 'a rehearsal' for the real thing. Yes.. I was lucky. The pain was not heart related. The genuine smile and wave from the triage nurse as I walked out reflected a knowledge that many others are not so fortunate. Look after yourselves people life is precious.Thank You Very Much Robina Emergency. You are Heroes.
Bud Manthey.
- Bud Manthey
- Tags: Cremation urns Health Heart Attack Memorial Rocks Memorial stones Robina Emergency